CYBER 24 Episode 37: Cybersecurity expert panel – Part I

The world of cybersecurity faces some significant challenges over the next several years. In this week’s episode of CYBER24, we bring you a panel discussion we led at a recent cybersecurity summit hosted by VLCM.

Our panel of experts includes:

Matt Sorensen, Secuvant CISO

Kevin Howard, Secuvant Chief Security Architect

Trent Bond, Pluralsight CISO

Dan Schuyler, VLCM Cybersecurity Systems Architect

We’ll break our discussion up into two parts with part one focusing on whether businesses are getting better at cybersecurity or if, despite their efforts, the cybercriminals are evolving so fast that businesses are falling behind.

We also ask the panel what they think the impact of cybersecurity regulation at the state and federal level would have on businesses and consumers.