Guest opinion: The pro-life paradox


Jesse Sandstrom 01

I am a life long member of the Republican party. One of the main stances of the Republican Party I most strongly believe is Pro-Life. I believe that life, whether just after conception or having just turned 101, is important and should be protected.

I know many Utahns share this same conviction. Which leads me to the irony that there are many among us who fight for the right to life for unborn, yet refuse the simplest of task to protect life around us—wearing a mask.

Those of us who are pro-life I believe justly ask men and women who find themselves with unwanted pregnancies to go through with them, sacrifice 9 months and other troubles in order for the little baby to live. If we are to ask this of so many, I believe we should be able to do the trivial in comparison task of wearing a mask when around others.

I personally was resistant at first to wear a mask. It is uncomfortable. I was quick to feel stupid wearing a mask when others around did not. That’s when I saw the meme comparing the ‘My body, my choice’ to the ‘You can’t make me wear a mask’ that I thought of my pro-life beliefs. So today I ask my fellow Utahns who believe in pro-life to step up and wear a mask. Let us show that when we say we fight for life; we truly mean all life. Let us show how serious our beliefs in the sanctity of life is whether it be in the womb or a person walking past you in the grocery store.
