4th quarter goal-setting

The fourth quarter of 2022 begins on Saturday. It barely seems possible that we’ve arrived here so quickly. I swear, the years seem to be going faster and faster.

Fall is my favorite season. My very favorite. I love the smells, the colors, the lead-up to the holidays – and I really, REALLY love the end of the summer heat. I didn’t much care that our record setting temps were a “dry heat.” I’m just not a fan. But fall? I love it.

Fall is a really great time to make goals, and, somewhat counter-intuitively, it can be a season of growth. Fall is the season for planting bulbs that will be nourished underground during the winter. Trees may drop their leaves in the colder temperatures, but growth and regeneration are occurring within the tree and deep within their roots.  Maybe there’s something we can learn from trees and bulbs. Sometimes growth and change are not visible, especially to the casual observer.

One interesting stat I learned a couple of years ago was that every year, Pinterest experiences two spikes in searches related to “organization, routine…and goal-setting.” One is around January 1, as New Year’s goals are made and set and the second is right before fall. “Over the years, we’ve seen the end of summer become a distinct and significant moment on Pinterest when people want to make personal changes to refresh their routines, set goals, get organized and most importantly, stay positive,” said Enid Hwang in a 2019 article. It resonated with me because I had already seen that pattern in myself. 

Fall seems to be the perfect time for me to dejunk, too. I seem to have even less emotional attachment to “stuff” when September and October roll around. Trash, thrift store, give away to someone who can use it – I don’t spend too much time thinking about it because I really want the cleaner space. Tossing stuff is very freeing – metaphorically and literally.

Taking advantage of the invigorating cooler weather, I can get more done outside and I make plans for what I will get done inside when the weather is less hospitable. Over the last several years, my husband and I have made big home improvements in the fall, partly because the deadline of “Have it done by the holidays” is very motivating. This year, we are putting in new flooring in our great room/kitchen area. It’s been a sloooow process, but one we are determined to finally finish by Thanksgiving. Wish us luck!

I also have 4th quarter goals for Utah Policy and I really want to hear from you: What Q4 goals are you working on?

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