Utah Democratic party hosts convention, elects executive officers

After a full day of convention events and ballots open for more than 2,200 delegates, the Utah Democratic Party resoundingly elected its executive officers for the remainder of 2021 until the 2023 Convention. These officers will lead the Party through one of its toughest challenges yet: the upcoming midterm elections.

“Today, the Utah Democratic Party chose to continue to move forward. To build upon the foundation that we have worked so hard over the last few years to lay.” said Jeff Merchant, newly re-elected Chair of the Utah Democratic Party. “It is time for us to move forward as a united party to build on the foundation of the past two years into an even stronger future.”

The Utah Democratic Party’s elected officers shared messages of unity and thank yous to the 1,160 delegates who voted for officer candidates on a livestream as they themselves learned of their victories:

Democratic officers committed to the future of the party, with the shared understanding that at no point in our history has the Democratic Party been more important. With President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison and others, officer candidates asked that Utah Democrats move forward with one voice, one banner and one unified objective.

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