Utah State Board of Education statement on gender guidance review status

This is an update on the Utah State Board of Education’s (USBE) progress to review the public feedback on the Gender Identity Guidance for Public Education draft document.

The agency’s initial plan was to discuss public feedback at a special Standards and Assessment Committee meeting that was tentatively scheduled for February 23. However, due to the large volume of responses received, USBE is still completing the review of the feedback submitted.

One of USBE’s priorities is ensuring that all provided feedback is reviewed and considered. USBE received more than 20,000 public comments, which is far more than we had anticipated; in fact, it is the most feedback the agency has received through a public comment opportunity. While the agency is pleased to see this level of public engagement, the process of reviewing the feedback will take longer than was originally planned.

The Utah State Board of Education will be continuing the dialogue on this draft at the next open and public Board meeting on Friday, March 11 in the Standards and Assessment Committee.