Utah has the third-highest educational attainment in the nation

The latest data show that Utah’s post-high school attainment rate is 61.1%, well above the national average of 53.7%. We are the third highest in the country.

Educational attainment is defined by the highest level of education achieved. The benchmark of attainment rate includes the share of individuals who received meaningful education beyond high school graduation. This includes college degrees, but also high-quality certificates and certifications.

Utah seems to be pulling ahead of the U.S. Why? In large part due to Utah’s population make-up. We have more young people – with more educational attainment – entering the workforce than that proportion for the U.S. generally. The high proportion of young, more educated Utahns bodes well for future economic growth. 

Read more on the Utah Foundation’s Significant Statistics post at https://www.utahfoundation.org/2023/02/significant-statistics-utah-has-the-third-highest-educational-attainment-in-the-nation/