Mayor Wilson responds to UDOT’s record of decision

In response to UDOT’s announcement regarding Little Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake County Mayor Wilson issued the following statement: 

“Today’s UDOT’s decision is not surprising, and the inclusion of the gondola is disappointing. However, thanks to pressure from residents and our county’s advocacy, UDOT has committed to making sure Common-Sense Solutions in this initial phase are successful. That’s great news because it means the gondola is not inevitable.  

I continue to stand with the majority of residents who are opposed to a massive gondola permanently marring Little Cottonwood Canyon. We believe Common-Sense Solutions can solve the problem. I will continue to work collaboratively with UDOT and stakeholders to make sure Common-Sense Solutions prove we do not need a costly and unsightly gondola in our cherished canyon.” 

Mayor Wilson has been advocating for Common-Sense Solutions instead of a gondola since [YEAR]. She has collaborated with UDOT throughout the process and is glad that they have committed to ensuring Phase 1 succeeds, which includes many of the Common-Sense Solutions proposed by Mayor Wilson. 

Mayor Wilson’s Common-Sense Solutions Include:

What does phase 1 include? 

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