Utah Republicans vote against right to contraception, betraying Utah families

Today, Republican Senator Mike Lee voted against codifying the right to contraception, while Senator Mitt Romney abstained. Senators Lee and Romney have shown that they would rather give in to pressure from far-right extremists than protect the basic rights that Utahns deserve. 

Contraception is at risk. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas stated that the court should “reconsider” the ruling that guaranteed the federal right to contraception. Republicans in Nevada, Arizona, and Virginia have either blocked efforts to protect contraception or tried to restrict it. Families have every reason to be concerned – but rather than address those concerns, Senate Republicans have condescendingly written off women’s fears as the result of Democratic “scare tactics.” 

If Senators Lee and Romney truly support the right to contraception, then they should act to protect it. Instead, Republicans insist that Utah women have nothing to fear, all while holding their basic rights hostage. 

“Make no mistake,” UDP Chair Diane Lewis said, “Senators Lee and Romney have given into far-right partisan pressure when they could have protected the rights of their constituents. Their refusal to do so will only harm Utah families.”