Rep. Love bill would boost effective fire fighting in Juab County

Congresswoman Love introduced legislation for the benefit of Juab County and its residents. The “Juab County Conveyance Act of 2017” (H.R. 3777) is a simple, straightforward bill that would convey an unused Forest Service property in Nephi to Juab County.

“As a former mayor, I understand the need to provide cities and counties with the tools and facilities they need to serve their residents,” Rep. Love said. “This bill will ultimately enable Juab County to combat fires and keep lands and communities safe. I am proud to introduce legislation that directly benefits Utah’s 4th District and appreciate the opportunity to work with both the U.S. Forest Service and Juab County leadership.”

Once the conveyance has been completed, the Juab Special Service Fire District would use the property to house its Wildlands Fire Team. This would enhance their ability to provide fire protection services to county residents and to both Forest Service and BLM lands.

“The conveyance of this unused Forest Service building and land will be huge for the Juab Special Service Fire District and the residents of Juab County,” Juab County Commissioner Byron Woodland explained. “The Special Service Fire District is responsible for “first attack” fire response on thousands of acres of federal lands along with fire suppression and prevention in our communities and on privately owned unincorporated lands. This has been a financial challenge for a county with limited tax base. The conveyance of this property will help keep our Wildlands Fire Team working to mitigate fire danger throughout the county. It will also provide land for a future fire house to serve Nephi City and the surrounding area.

The Juab County Commission and residents of Juab County appreciate Congresswoman Love and her staff for their effort and support in moving this project forward.”


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