Press Release: Legislators Respond To Teacher Needs With Policy Proposals

House Democrats are crafting new state laws that would assist in the attracting and retaining of educators within Utah as a direct response to a public survey of teachers across the state.

1400 educators weighed in online on issues that impact their profession and how the legislature can help, while an additional 60 attended a public hearing last month. The new legislation aims at protecting the teaching profession and give teachers the freedom to make decisions based on the needs of their students.

Representative Joel Briscoe

  • Teacher Compensation Funding
  • School District Tax Incentive Participation
  • Teacher Recruitment and Retention Program

Representative Carol Spackman Moss

  • Educator Student Loan Forgiveness
  • Educator Reciprocity Amendments (dealing with teacher licensure)

Representative Marie Poulson

  • Teacher Assessment Amendments

Representative Lynn Hemingway

  • Teacher Housing Loan Forgiveness

Representative Joel Briscoe stated, “Teaching is a profession. We need to treat educators like the professionals they are. We need to invest in educators to show that we that we care about our kids, and that we care about our neighborhood schools.”