Most Utahns say so-called ‘dreamers’ should be allowed to stay in the U.S.

Most Utahns don’t believe children brought to the U.S. illegally, who today may be adults – the so-called Dreamers — should be deported, a new poll shows.

However, the survey by Dan Jones & Associates also finds that most Republicans and faithful Mormons don’t agree with that.

The Republican-controlled U.S. House will vote this week on several immigration bills – although it’s not clear if any of them dealing with the sticky situation of the so-called Dreamers – those who were brought here illegally (most likely by their parents) — will pass.

So, do the Dreamers stay or do they go?

Jones offered these alternatives:

Dreamers can stay in some manner.

Dreamers must be deported.

Some other kind of settlement for the Dreamers will be found.

Or no opinion or don’t know.

Some of the numbers:

  • 57 percent of all Utahns say Dreamers should be allowed to stay in the U.S.
  • 16 percent said they should be deported.
  • 18 percent said some other solution should be found.
  • 9 percent didn’t know.


Republicans are more hardline; only 38 percent said they should stay, 24 percent said deport them, 23 percent said to find some other solution, and 14 percent don’t know.

Democrats are not in doubt; 90 percent said they stay, only 1 percent said deport, 4 percent said find some other solution, 5 percent don’t know.

Political independents stand with the Dreamers; 70 percent said they stay, 12 percent said deport, 17 percent want another solution, 2 percent don’t know.

Illegal immigration and the Dreamers have religious undertones.

In Utah, the LDS Church has said families should be kept together, and compassion should rule.

Still, less than half, 49 percent of “very active” Mormons, said Dreamers should stay.

But 17 percent of active LDS said they should be deported.

And 22 percent said some other solution should be found.

Those who are “somewhat active” in the LDS Church said Dreamers should stay, 56 percent; 16 percent said they should be deported, and 20 percent said some other solution should be found.

Former Mormons, who have now left the faith; 70 percent said let Dreamers stay, 15 percent said deport them, 8 percent said find another solution.

Catholics are more compassionate; 80 percent said let them stay, 14 percent said deport, 0 percent offered another solution.

Protestants, which include born-again Christians; only 53 percent said let them stay, 19 percent said deport them, with 16 percent saying find another way.

Those of other religions; 62 percent said let them stay, 13 percent said kick them out, 13 percent said find another solution.

And those who said they have no religion, 76 percent said let them stay, 12 percent kick them out, 11 percent find another way.

Finally, in the closest major race this year, for Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, whose parents legally immigrated to the U.S., but had to leave other family members behind, immigration is a tough issue. Love was born here, thus she has always been a legal citizen.

Love faces Democratic Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams, who is in a statistical tie with her in the new Jones poll.

Love has battled her GOP House leadership over immigration, one of the Republicans demanding a vote on the touchy issue in June.

She doesn’t want families split up, but her GOP House colleagues may either do nothing on the Dreamers issue or do something she doesn’t like.

In the 4th District, 61 percent want the Dreamers to stay in the U.S., 12 percent want them deported, and 19 percent want some other action taken.

Jones polled 615 adults from May 15-25.  Statewide, the survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent.