Situational awareness – September 18, 2019

Good Wednesday morning from Salt Lake City

Thanks for reading Utah’s must-read daily political news rundown. Please encourage your friends and colleagues to sign up for our emails.

Here are the stories you need to pay attention to this morning:

  • The companies that won permits to grow medical marijuana in Utah may struggle to get operations up and running by the March 1 deadline.
  • Most Utah voters say they’re “ashamed” of the number of mass shootings in the U.S., but they say the onus for preventing them lies with families and communities.
  • The Trump administration is weighing “a menu” of responses to the attacks on Saudi oil facilities.

Let’s talk!

We’ve started a discussion group on Facebook dedicated to Utah politics. 

Join here.


Days to the 2019 Utah municipal elections: 48 (11/5/2019)

Days to the first day of the 2020 Utah Legislature: 131 (1/27/2020)

Days to the Utah presidential primaries: 167 (3/3/2020)

Days to the 2020 Utah primary elections: 279 (6/23/2020)

Days to the 2020 election: 412 (11/3/2020)