Unparalleled Resource for Utah Property Rights Education

UtahgovLogoThe Utah Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman and the Utah League of Cities and Towns recently collaborated to create the Land Use Academy of Utah to help take the mystery out of land use and property rights in the state.

The LUAU website is a useful tool intended for local governments, real estate professionals and property owners. LUAU works with local experts to provide information on civics, land use and real estate for all Utahans to create healthy communities throughout the state.

“The website has an incredible wealth of information, and will continue to grow,” said Brent Bateman, Utah Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman. “The videos on the website will help residents of Utah to better understand land use law.”

LUAU was created by a grant from the Utah State Legislature to support land use training and education. The Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman and the Utah League of Cities and Towns also collaborated with the Utah Realtors Association, Private Property Coalition, and Utah American Planning Association in creating, overseeing and providing content for the site.

“We’ve created the first uniform and comprehensive online land use resource, to assist us in statewide land use training,” said Bateman. “It is the online destination for training, information and education for statutory land use issues and best practices.”

The site is managed by the Utah League of Cities and Towns and the Utah Realtors Association working with a review board for content and oversight direction.

To learn more, visit Utah.Gov.