Most Americans think Trump or Clinton Would Make a Terrible President

Trump Clinton 02November’s presidential election is definitely shaping up to be a lesser of two evils for most Americans. 

A new Huffington Post/YouGov survey finds Americans have very low expectations for both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton if they win the White House in November.

The survey finds 43% say Clinton would be a “terrible” president while 11% say she would be poor. Those numbers are about the same for Donald Trump, with 43% saying he would be “terrible” and 10% say he would perform poorly.

From HuffPo:

Fifty-three percent of Democratic voters think Clinton would be good or great, while 27 percent think she’d be average, and 19 percent that she’d be poor or terrible. On the GOP side, 55 percent of GOP voters think Trump would be good or great, 11 percent that he’d be average, and 22 percent that he’d be poor or terrible.

The same poll finds most voters have already made up their minds. 67% said they have a good idea who they will vote for, while just 19% are still making up their minds.