Lee: Trump’s Campaign Missing ‘Constitutional’ Agenda

Sen. Mike Lee says he wants to see Donald Trump “embrace a restoration of the Constitution” as part of his presidential campaign agenda.

Reports the Washington Examiner:

“I think what’s missing in his campaign is an agenda for what he would do,” Lee told CNN. “So separate and apart from what comments he’s made, separate and apart from how people feel about him as a commentator on various events around the world, what people are craving now more than ever in a candidate is an agenda.”


Lee expressed reservations about Trump in a conference call with constituents last month, saying Trump “scares me to death.”


Lee’s hesitation to back Trump is consistent with other congressional leaders who have decided to skip this summer’s convention, such as GOP Sens. Mark Kirk of Illinois, Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire and John McCain of Arizona — or refused to support him altogether, including Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse.