Caroline Gleich officially welcomes Rep. John Curtis to the Senate general election

After a contentious Republican primary, Rep. John Curtis has been declared the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate by the AP. Democratic nominee Caroline Gleich issued the following statement:

“I’d like to welcome Representative John Curtis to the general election race to be Utah’s next Senator. Utah, if you are unfamiliar with John Curtis, let me help you out:

“Representative Curtis has a worse environmental voting record in Congress than Senator Mike Lee, according to the League of Conservation Voters. He is bankrolled by the fossil fuel industry. Thus far in 2024, Curtis has received more donations from the electric utility industry ($148,270) than any other representative and is among the top 25 recipients from the oil and gas industry ($115,800). He has repeatedly voted to block and repeal legislation that would protect our air, water, and public lands, pandering to special interest groups and corporations.

“At a time when much of the United States is experiencing dangerous, record-breaking heat, we deserve a leader who will address the climate crisis with the urgency it demands. His Conservative Climate Caucus is a fossil fuel-funded delay tactic and delay is the new denial. 

“Curtis, who votes with Trump 94.4% of the time and holds an 88% score from Heritage Action, is no moderate. He perfectly represents the political dysfunction in Washington, talking one way and acting another, selling out Utahns to the highest bidder.

“Our campaign is supported by a grassroots movement and small-dollar donors, while Curtis is supported by out-of-state Super PACS and special interest groups who think they can buy our election. Utahns are looking for leaders who will prepare our state and country for the future, not take us back in time. We don’t need another six years of John Curtis in Washington. I’ve fought for clean air, water, and protected public lands for a decade and a half, and I will continue to advocate for our families, freedom, and future as Utah’s next U.S. Senator.”

Gleich, running to become the youngest woman in the US Senate, has already made local and national waves by raising nearly $400k in Q1 (more than nearly every Republican in the race) from grassroots donors, her launch video earning her a mention in the New York Times’s top ten 2024 Senate races to watch, and with the most recent release of her viral “Dear Dad” advertisement that garnered millions of views on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter.