Guest opinion: Only we can save our democracy

Donald Trump’s conviction on 34 felony counts was an important milestone for those who have waited since 2016 to see him held accountable for his overt corruption, criminality, and failure to uphold the Constitution.

We watched and waited, hoping that the Mueller investigation and report would do the job. Notably, it reported that Trump welcomed Russian interference in the 2016 election, but evidence was inadequate to support criminal charges of collusion. It did, however, document substantial efforts to hide evidence and obstruct justice. In spite of that, Congress failed to hold him accountable.

The criminally corrupt conduct continued, leading to two impeachments. Again, a heavily partisan Senate failed to remove him from office. Thus, for lack of moral courage, we missed two more opportunities to call a halt to the cascading culture of criminal corruption that surrounded not only him, but his entire administration, Congressional allies, and external advisors.

Since Trump left office, his legal problems have mounted. Prosecutors have brought four criminal indictments with 88 charges and two civil suits. In the latter two, courts and juries found him liable for business fraud and for defamation related to a sexual assault. Both verdicts were associated with heavy financial penalties. The just completed “Stormy Daniels Hush Money” case was the first with criminal charges to face trial, but the others are stalled. Prosecution of the classified documents case is delayed indefinitely by a Trump-appointed judge seemingly unable to rule on the simplest of often frivolous motions. The Fulton County Georgia racketeering (RICO) case has also been delayed and possibly derailed by efforts to discredit and remove District Attorney Fani Willis from office. Finally, federal charges related to the documents and the January 6 insurrection are awaiting a SCOTUS decision as to whether Trump, as a former president, can even be held accountable.

Unfortunately, with regard to those two federal cases, we are also dealing with a SCOTUS whose rulings are increasingly partisan and where Justices Thomas and Alito are mired in scandals that cast doubt on their ability to rule impartially and even on their fitness to sit on the bench. Chief Justice Roberts seems unwilling to clean up the mess, leaving them to participate in cases that have the potential to profoundly harm our democracy and adversely impact the lives of huge segments of our population, especially women.

Notably, the conviction in the Stormy Daniels Hush Money case shares a common thread with the two impeachment charges—withholding funds from the Ukraine to solicit political favors and efforts to overturn and steal the 2020 election. Simply stated, all were illegal efforts to obtain and retain power—the same intent that was at the heart of Richard Nixon’s Watergate-related scandal, impeachment, and almost certain conviction by the Senate, had he not had the decency to resign.

Sadly, in the aftermath of the Trump guilty verdict, Republicans here in Utah and across the nation have jumped on the bandwagon in an effort to discredit the judicial process and its verdict.  For all who followed the trial proceeding several things should have been evident. The judge was experienced, calm, and even-handed—often bending over backward to provide more leniency to the defendant than would have been the case for others. The jury was a jury of ordinary citizens, selected by attorneys from both sides. The law was followed regarding the admissibility of evidence. The verdict was unanimous on all 34 counts. Stated otherwise, the trial followed the process set out by our Constitution and the law, showing once again that no one is above the law. Thus, the ongoing efforts to discredit its outcome are efforts to undermine trust in our criminal justice system.

We have seen the price candidates and elected officials have paid for opposing Trump and his MAGA allies who were complicit in the criminal corruption. Worse, they are also spewing a hate-filled divisiveness of “us vs them,” seeking to quash the voices of all branded as “other.” But what would happen if our “leaders” united in their opposition to this cancer, spoke out, and actually led? Church leaders. The Governor. Our Congressional Delegation. Our Legislature. City and County officials. Candidates. Might the curtain be pulled back and the Wizard exposed for the sham he is? Unfortunately, if past predicts the future, that seems unlikely. In the end, “we the people” must also speak. November is coming. We, the voters, can fix this and fix it we must. Vote. Vote for democracy, integrity, competency, and decency. The future of our country depends on it. Our lives depend on it.

Ellen Brady, M.D., is a retired physician with a public health degree. She spent most of my career in the pharmaceutical industry. She currently serves as the Issues Director for the Women’s Democratic Club of Utah.